
90 Day Fianc: The Other Way Recap 09/26/21: Season 3 Episode 5 Facing Fears

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap 09/26/21: Season 3 Episode 5 "Facing Fears"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way airs with an all-new Sunday, September 26, 2021 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way season 3 episode 5 “Facing Fears,” as per the TLC Synopsis “Armando reckons with disappointment. Ellie is heartbroken to see her new home devastated. Steven gets cold feet about pushing up the wedding.

Corey confesses multiple secrets. Bini takes Ari to a holy site. Sumit reveals to his family that he’s engaged.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

Tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The episode begins with Alina and Steven are together in Turkey. They were using their ninety days there to determine if they wanted to get married or not and right now that’s up in the air. They’re having issues. Steven keeps bringing up Alina’s commitment to the faith. He was Mormon and he wanted her to be of that faith as well but she was raised in the Russian Orthodox church and so it was going to be a while before she’s a full member of a second church. Alina also thinks Steven was questioning her faith because he has questions about his own. But Alina and Steven are still together. They wanted to know their options if they do decide to get married and that’s why they visited an attorney in Turkey.

The couple wanted to know what they had to do if they got married. The attorney informed them about the long process and, in his own words, he said the couple should start the marriage process immediately. It was the only way they could get married in a short time. Turkey wasn’t like Las Vegas where the couple could get married at any time and so they have to make a decision sooner than they thought. Alina was ready to pull the trigger while Steven was not. He needed more time. Meanwhile, in Providencia, Ellie and her fiancé were surveying the damage done to the island. The island was hit by a hurricane and it was left devastated. So much of the island was in ruins that even human waste was now a problem on the island.

Ellie left everything to be with Victor. She gave up her house, her business, and even her friends to move to this island to be with Victor. Only the island no longer looks like a feasible home. It was going to need extensive repairs and this was a small island. Who knows when or where they were going to get the money to pay for it? The island can’t really take in tourists right now and that was probably their biggest revenue. Then there’s Jenny and Sumit. The two of them have been in a relationship for nine years and they’re engaged. Their current problems aren’t a question of love or commitment. It’s his family. His family hates Jenny. They want Sumit to marry someone closer to his age and according to them someone who was prettier.

They hated Jenny. They didn’t want Sumit marrying her and they all wanted to pretend like Jenny doesn’t exist when she does. Jenny knows how they feel about her. She’s heard them several times. Jenny also was alone in India without Sumit and so him going to family functions alone was hard for her. She was left alone. She was left feeling isolated. Jenny asked Sumit to talk to his family. She told him she wanted to be included in events and he promised to bring it up with his parents. But Armando and his fiancé Kenneth are also going through something with the in-laws. The two men are getting married and that’s a problem for his family because they were hoping that Armando being gay was a phase.

They’re now confronted with the truth that it’s not. Armando spoke with his mother alone because the last time he announced the engagement it was done in front of aunts and cousins. His mother hadn’t liked that. She told him that she wished she had been told when it was just the two of them and so that’s what he did when he informed her about his plans with Kenneth. He told her he was getting married in the spring. He was giving her advance notice so that she could use that time to either tell his father or decide not to attend the wedding. His mother didn’t say anything at first. She and her husband both were secretly hoping that Armando wouldn’t go through with it because they have yet to accept he’s gay.

But gay is gay. There’s no such thing as ex-gay or former gay. Armando is gay. He was getting married and he wants a big celebration with hundreds of guests. Armando’s mother told him she hadn’t told his father about the engagement. She was hiding it for her own reasons and so Armando had to be the one to do it. Armando waited until Kenneth’s daughter returned home before he made the drive back to his family’s place. He went with his fiancé but Kenneth didn’t follow him to meet with his father. Armando hadn’t wanted his father to get upset before they talked. He later met with his dad alone and he broke the news. He said he was engaged. His father had pretty much reacted the same way as the mother as in not fully believing this would happen.

Steven on the other hand was still struggling with his decision about whether he wants to get married or not. He and Alina have been together a week in Turkey and she was ready. She was ready to get married. It was Steven who felt they needed more time and speaking of time – boy did Evelin and Corey bury the news. They got married. They eloped a year ago and she was only now just telling her family. Her family thought she was only engaged. They didn’t know about the wedding until Evelin accidentally spilled it to her sisters and then she had to tell her parents because one of the sisters could have blabbed. Evelin came clean to her parents. She told them that she married Corey so that he could stay in the country and that upset her mother because her mother is old fashion.

Her mother thinks marriage is for life. She thinks it’s too important of a step to be taken because of immigration and so she told Evelin that she can’t get a divorce. Evelin and Corey have to stay married because that’s the tradition in their family but the family also doesn’t know about Corey’s cheating ways and Corey was even hiding the full truth from Evelin and so now she’s trapped in her decision to marry him. Ari and Biniyam aren’t married. They’re engaged and they have a baby together and right now they were trying to make things work. Biniyam took Ari to a holy place in Ethiopia. He wanted her to bathe in the holy waters only she didn’t really understand it and the water was cold anyways.

Ari was washed by a half-naked woman she didn’t know. She was left uncomfortable. She didn’t enjoy the experience at all and normally she wouldn’t have done something like that. But Biniyam talked her into it. Jenny talked Sumit into speaking with his family and so he later informed them that he was getting married. He showed his engagement ring. His mother got so upset that stormed off and the father soon followed her. The family had come together to celebrate Sumit’s sister-in-law giving them their first grandchild and unfortunately, no one wanted to hear about Jenny or have her around. His brother was saying he didn’t want negative energy around his baby. Sumit’s sister-in-law told him that he should have spoken with his parents before getting engaged.

The ultimate truth is that they’re fine in accepting Jenny as Sumit’s friend. They didn’t want to see her as anything else and they didn’t want her at family celebrations. They said as much in their confessionals. Though in a funny coincidence, Corey had also slept with someone named Jenny. Corey and Evelin had just gotten married. She kicked him out of the house and told him to leave Ecuador and so Corey believed the relationship was over. He went to Peru. He met up with Jenny and the two were serious about each other. They even discussed moving in together. Then the pandemic happened and Evelin reached out to Corey and the two were stuck together until they worked things out.

Corey spoke to a friend about this. His friend knows both Corey and Evelin really well and the friend told Corey to tell his wife or he threatened to do it himself. Corey was left with no choice. He had to speak to Evelin. Armando’s father meanwhile had something too nice to say after all. His father told him that he was proud of him and how smart he is and how successful he is. His father let Armando know that he loves him even if he doesn’t entirely understand the gay part. But his father couldn’t say if he would be at the wedding because he needed to think about it first.



Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-06-19