Anne Hathaway Promotes Body Positivity On Instagram

Anne Hathaway recently posted a picture on Instagram of a pair of jeans that are cut to fit her. The actress gave birth to her son Jonathan in March, and like many mothers, she gained some weight. However, she encourages mothers to be proud of their bodies. Anne says that there should be no shame with gaining weight after having a baby.
Anne Hathaway’s Empowering Instagram Post
When Anne visited the Ellen Degeneres show a few months ago, she said that she is completely happy with her post-baby body. She adds that many trainers were offering her advice and encouraging her to workout, but she refused. Anne states, “But [now] I walk in, I’m like, ‘Yeah I workout with 5 lb. weights, but I pushed a baby out of my body, I feel good right now.’
Anne isn’t the only famous mother to join in the conversation. Earlier this week, Blake Lively visited Australia to promote her movie, The Shallows. On Sunrise, Blake expressed her feelings about the stigma surrounding a mother’s weight after giving birth. She stated, “You don’t have to have be Victoria’s Secret–ready right away. You’ve just done this incredible miracle that life has to offer.” She continued by calling a woman’s body “amazing” after having a baby.
When her movie, The Shallows, released in the U.S., many people praised her for losing weight so quickly after giving birth. Blake said that she had a professional trainer help her prepare for her movie. However, she doesn’t think that it’s fair for mothers to be held to a certain standard. She would rather have people celebrate that she gave birth to a healthy baby, rather than people celebrate her weight loss.
Both Anne and Blake are spreading the message about body positivity. Mothers shouldn’t have to worry about judgement from others to lose weight so quickly. Losing weight should be the mother’s choice and her choice alone. Unfortunately, with the media, famous mothers are pressured to look a certain way for the cameras. That is why it’s important to bring awareness to the stigma that mothers face with their bodies.
Like Anne says, there should be no shame with gaining weight as a new mother! It is completely normal. If one chooses to lose weight, they should do it at their own pace and in a healthy way!
What do you think of Anne and Blake’s message? Let us know by tweeting us at @CelebMix!
Photo Credits: John Salangsang/Invision/AP