County launches campaign to promote Maui Bus | News, Sports, Jobs

The Maui News
The county Department of Transportation is launching a social media campaign to encourage residents and visitors to ride its new buses, which are now easier to catch and track using the Maui Bus app.
The Maui Bus app, which can be downloaded on the Apple Store or Google Play, provides riders with the location of the closest bus stop, a real-time vehicle tracker, the ability to plan rides throughout the day and the option to sign up for notifications and alerts.
The department showcased the app on its new Instagram page (@TheMauiBus), which went live Thursday, and highlighted the various routes the bus takes throughout the island.
Riders are also encouraged to follow @TheMauiBus on Twitter.
“When our residents and visitors think about how to get somewhere, we want to be one of their first thoughts,” Transportation Director Marc Takamori said. “Some people don’t realize that riding the Maui Bus is one of the easiest, safest and most reliable ways to commute on the island.
“It connects to the airport, shopping centers and the beach — running 365 days a year from 5:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.”
In April, the department blessed two new, 40-foot-long Eldorado transit buses that are brighter, quieter and safer than its previous buses.
They feature air conditioning and the revolutionary Quantum system — the only system in the world that enables disabled wheelchair riders the ability to secure themselves in less than 25 seconds without requiring driver assistance.
“Reception of our two new buses has been overwhelmingly positive, but we continue to look at ways to improve our fixed route, commuter and para transit services,” Deputy Director Michael Du Pont said. “I strongly encourage the public to consider taking the Maui Bus, which is convenient, economical and helps reduce our carbon footprint.”
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