Dateline: Secrets Uncovered - What happened to Cathy Torrez?
In February 1994, California State Fullerton University student Cathy Torrez was only 20 years old when she was viciously stabbed to death. Although detectives found her body in the trunk of her car within a week, it took them nearly two decades to finally catch her killer - her on-again-off-again boyfriend Sam Lopez.
Lopez confessed to the murder in 2015 and claimed that he "took everything away from her." He was convicted of first-degree murder and was given a sentence of 26 years to life in prison. His cousin, Xavier Lopez, was also sentenced to prison for helping him commit the crime.
Trigger Warning: This article contains mentions of a brutal murder and stabbing, which may trigger some readers. Discretion is advised.
The upcoming episode of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered will revisit the haunting disappearance and murder of Cathy Torrez, who was stabbed at least 74 times. The episode, titled The Promise, re-airs on Oxygen this Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at 7 pm ET.
The synopsis states:
"When Cathy Torrez never comes home after work, her family fears the worst; an intensive search ends after her car is found, with her body in the trunk; it take years to get to the truth."Cathy Torrez was stabbed at least 74 times with fatal slashes to her wrists and neck
Cathy Torrez grew up in Placentia, California. She was attending California State Fullerton as a sociology major, wanting to fulfill her dreams of becoming a social worker.
She worked two jobs while attending school, and lived with her mother Mary, stepfather, and three siblings. Cathy was known for being a marvelous person with a bright future ahead of her.
In 1993, Cathy reconnected with Sam Lopez, her high school sweetheart. Sam's brother Armando was married to Cathy's elder sister Tina at the time. Soon after reconnecting, Sam and Cathy began a tumultuous relationship. The couple, along with Sam's cousin, would often spend time together at Cathy's workplace, a local drug store called Sav-On.
However, things soon fell apart when the 20-year-old failed to return home as usual on February 12, 1994, after her shift at Sav-On. She was soon reported missing.
A few days later, on Febaruary 19, Cathy's missing car, a red 1990 Toyota Corolla, was spotted in a hospital parking lot by a patroling officer. The front seat of the car, along with the bumper, was reportedly covered in blood and her body was found int he car trunk with at least 74 stab bounds. An autopsy revealed that she was stabbed in the face, head and upper body with fatal slits to her wrists and neck.
Her purse was missing and the driver's seat was completely reclined, which was unusual as Cathy wasn't very tall. Police noted that Cathy was allegedly still alive when she was shoved into the trunk, apparent from a visible handprint found inside.
Medical examiners determined the cause of death as exsanguination (drained of blood) due to all the stab wounds. Cathy's the missing person's case was soon turned into a homicide.
Who killed 20-year-old Cathy Torrez?
From the start, detectives suspected Cathy Torrez's on-and-off boyfriend Sam Lopez, who had a fake alibi and claimed that he was with his cousin Xavier.
Without any physical evidence, the case went cold for nearly 21 years and was only reopened several years later when Xavier was linked to the DNA found on the victim's clothes.
Sam Lopez was ultimately found guilty of first-degree murder and was sentenced to 26 years to life in prison. Meanwhile, Xavier Lopez was sentenced to four years and eight months after pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter.
Xavier reportedly testified that he was in his truck when the couple got into an argument during which Sam attacked Cathy. He then helped Sam in disposing of the body.
Dateline: Secrets Uncovered airs with Cathy Torrez's case on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at 7 pm ET.
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