Donald Trump Says The Only Way Joe Biden Can Win Is If He Cheats On The Ballot

The president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, doesn’t believe it’s possible for Joe Biden to win this year’s election, Hot New Hip Hop claimed today. The outlet says Trump recently came out to say the only way the Democrats could win the 2020 election would be if they cheated using mail-in ballots.
Amid the politician’s comments on the nomination of the potential Supreme Court Judge, Amy Coney Barett, while at a rally in Pennsylvania, the president claimed the only way they could win Pennsylvania would be to “cheat on the ballots.”
Trump said that’s the way he looks at it. Followers of the president and the news around him know he has continously made such comments ever since the date to the November election drew nearer.
The president said during his rally that the Republicans and his supporters had to pay attention to the “ballot scam.” People are accusing him of not wanting to “turn over power,” Trump argued, but he says “of course I do, but it has to be a fair election.”
As it was noted above, this wouldn’t be the first time Trump has made such comments. For instance, at a recent rally in Virginia, the president claimed the only way they would lose would be if they cheated.
Moreover, the president touched on the replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, saying how Amy Coney would defend American citizens’ “god-given rights and freedoms.” The president also urged his opposition to avoid “personal or partisan attacks.” He claimed the “stakes” were too high.
As it was previously reported, Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away earlier this month, and her replacement was subsequently revealed. The president announced at a recent rally that he intended on bringing a woman on board.
The president joked during his rally that he liked women a lot more than men anyway. Trump also did his own version of a “poll,” in which he got the audience to cheer if they wanted a man as the new Supreme Court justice or a woman. Furthermore, he mocked the idea of the polls, saying how his version was probably more accurate.