Fans react to Travis Kelce and Taylor Swifts photo from private party going viral
Travis Kelce is one of the most prominent players in NFL history. When inside the gridiron, he is known for his amazing receptions, whether it be for first downs or touchdowns.
However, it is his personal life that has made him the talk of the town currently.
Lately, Kelce has been linked with pop star Taylor Swift - rumors that gathered steam after Swift was seen attending the Kansas City Chiefs' 41-10 defeat of the Chicago Bears on Sunday. However, they have only recently intensified after TMZ released this photo of them leaving the post-game party:

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How Travis Kelce, others have addressed rumored relationship with Taylor Swift
Besides his football prowess, Travis Kelce is one of the most prominent media personalities in the NFL, hosting a daily podcast with his elder brother Jason. Naturally, in such a relaxed environment, the issue of his status with Taylor Swift had to come up.
He had described "shooting his shot" at courting her on last week's episode of the Pat McAfee Show:
"I threw the ball in her court and, you know, I told her, 'I've seen you rock the stage at Arrowhead. You might have to come see me rock the stage at Arrowhead and see which one's a little more lit.'"Of course, it eventually happened agasinst the Bears. And on the latest episode of New Heights, Kelce revealed how his family and Kingdom reacted to seeing Swift at Arrowhead Stadium:
"Shoutout to Taylor for pulling up, that was pretty ballsy. I just thought it was awesome how everyone in the suite had nothing but great things to say about her, the friends and family. "She looked amazing. Everybody was talking about her in [a] great see the slow motion chest bumps, to see the high-fives with mom, to see how Chiefs kingdom was all excited that she was there. That s--t was absolutely hysterical. It was definitely a game I will remember, that's for damn sure."Jason Kelce also shared his thoughts on Joe DeCamara and Jon Ritchie's SportsRadio 94 WIP show:
“I would say with this one, it definitely seems like he is going above and beyond to be a gentleman. I think that he can probably handle both of those gears when necessary.”And as it turns out, the tight end was not the only Chief to be with the pop star at Sunday night's party. Patrick Mahomes was also there, as he revealed in a post-practice media call:
"Yeah, I met her. She's really cool, good people. But like Trav said, man, I'm going to let them have their privacy and just keep it moving."Even head coach Andy Reid could not help but discuss it after the win against the Browns:
“I set ‘em up.”And even more good news: Swift will reportedly attend the Chiefs' next game, which is at the New York Jets on Sunday night.
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