How to get the Always on Time Sparrow in Destiny 2
In Destiny 2, players will come across two primary vehicles. The first one is a ship, and that's something that helps them travel from one planet to another. The other one, a Sparrow, aids them in moving from one point to another on a planet. Using the latter is always considered to be a better option while moving across the map because they're fast.
Although they do not possess any offensive capabilities, players are often required to use Sparrows in activities like raids and strikes in Destiny 2 because certain sections demand quicker navigation. The Always on Time is a very popular model in the game, and here's how players can get it.
Acquiring the Always on Time Sparrow in Destiny 2
The Always on Time Sparrow in Destiny 2 was first introduced in the Forsaken expansion as a reward for completing a specific set of encounters in the Scourge of the Past raid. To get this Sparrow now, you will have to make your way to the Monument to Lost Light archive at the Tower.
After you've interacted with the monument, select the Forsaken Exotics tab. You can purchase the Always on Time Sparrow in Destiny 2 from this tab itself. However, it's not cheap. You will have to shell out 240 Spoils of Conquest and one Exotic Cipher.
Keep in mind that you will have to own the Forsaken expansion if you want to purchase this vehicle. While the entire campaign itself has been vaulted, just like the raid, you won't be able to acquire the Ace of Spades or participate in the Warden of Nothing strike in Destiny 2 without the expansion.
The Forsaken expansion covered much important lore in the game, including the death of Cayde-6, and the rise of Crow. The latter has finally gained a place in the Vanguard and is turning out to be a fairly important member too!
Why is Always on Time in Destiny 2 so popular?
This Sparrow is probably the fastest one in the game right now. Back in the day, when it was first released, it had an intrinsic perk that would make it go faster than any other model. However, as time went by, Bungie kept releasing more and more offerings, but they were purely cosmetic in nature. Despite having a speed of 160 like all other Exotic Sparrows, the Always on Time was quicker than its fellow brethren.
In their recent blogpost, Bungie mentioned that it would be updating these Sparrows as well, but never spoke of a timeline. However, based on whatever has been said so far, the Always on Time will not be nerfed. And it'll be rather ironic to see this model get nerfed for being quick because it's literally named as "Always on Time."
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