How to get the MGB nuke in Modern Warfare 2
The MGB nuke in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a killstreak that has the potential to end a match as soon as it is deployed. However, this sought-after ability is hidden and difficult to attain.
Modern Warfare 2 is finally underway, and has introduced numerous changes and upgrades over its prequel from 2019. The upgraded killstreak system, which now allows players to toggle between killstreaks and scorestreaks, is one of the most significant changes this time around. The MGB nuke is hidden within this system.
This article delves deeper into the process of acquiring the MGB nuke in Modern Warfare 2.
A guide to the MGB nuke in Modern Warfare 2
Nukes, or the hidden killstreak concept, isn't new to the series with Modern Warfare 2 and has been present since the original MW2, where it was called the Tactical Nuke. To achieve it back in the day, players had to go on a killstreak of 25 kills or 24 kills with the Hardline perk.
While that may sound impossible, it can be achieved with patience and proper decision making within the game. The process is similar in the latest title as well, with minor changes. It demands players to go on a streak of 30 consecutive eliminations without dying.
Once they have fulfilled the requirements, the game will notify them on the screen through the streaks section. Once it is activated, the character will proceed to call in the nuke strike and a 10-second timer will follow, alerting you of the MGB (Or Mass Guided Bombs) nuke.
Post 10 seconds, a bomber will drop the nukes on the map, killing everyone in the lobby - including players and their allies - and the match will end with an immediate win in favor of the team that called the nuke.
Exploring other killstreaks and scorestreaks in Modern Warfare 2
The game contains a total of 19 killstreaks, when MGB nukes are taken into consideration. These aren't hidden and players can follow the normal route to achieving them. They are:
4 Kills:
- Bomb Drone
5 Kills:
- Counter UAV
- Cluster Mine
- Care Package
6 Kills:
- Precision Airstrike
- Cruise Missile
- Mortar Strike
7 Kills:
- Sentry Gun
8 Kills:
- VTOL Jet
- Overwatch Helo
- Wheelson-HS
10 Kills:
- Stealth Bomber
- Chopper Gunner
- Emergency Airdrop
12 Kills:
- Gunship
- Advanced UAV
15 Kills:
- Juggernaut
While these are depicted in terms of kills, gamers can now switch them up for scores. Meaning, instead of the number of eliminations users have without dying, players can use the total scores earned as a measure to obtain them. This will make earning streaks much easier in objective-based game modes.
This is all there is to know about MGB nukes in MW2. They previously appeared in the series under different names such as M.O.A.B in Modern Warfare 3 and K.E.M Strike in COD: Ghosts.
Modern Warfare 2 is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S|X.
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