I Explored Grenada's Underwater Sculpture Museum
- I went snorkeling in Grenada to see the world's first underwater sculpture park.
- Jason deCaires Taylor's newest sculptures celebrate the Grenadian Spicemas festival.
- The sculptures also serve as artificial reefs for marine life to cling to.
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Art museums have never done much for me.
When I'm traveling, I'd much rather wander through a rainforest or rent a stand-up paddle board than analyze someone else's creative works.
Yet that's exactly what I found myself doing on my trip to the Caribbean.
The difference? Rather than standing in a stuffy, air-conditioned gallery, I was treading water while gazing down at Jason deCaires Taylor's newest masterpieces through a snorkel mask.
What makes the art so special is that witnessing it is an adventure in and of itself, whether you choose to scuba dive, snorkel, or gaze down from a glass-bottomed kayak.
Although Taylor's work can now be found worldwide in places like France, Mexico, and Australia, Grenada's underwater sculpture park was the first of its kind.
Here's what I saw on my snorkeling excursion to this awe-inspiring attraction.