Johnny Depps lawyers say he may waive $8 million recoveries from Amber Heard after she lost in co

On Wednesday morning, Johnny Depp’s lawyers appeared on the air of numerous shows in order to refute Amber Heard‘s claims that the trial was unfair.
Camilla Vasquez and Benjamin Chu appeared on TV channels on the Today show, Good Morning America, and then on the Law and Crime channel, which covered the trial non-stop.
They said that their ward was extremely happy with the victory, and he “had not smiled like that for six years” since when his problems with his ex-wife began. However, human rights activists did not disregard Heard’s claim that she lost the trial only because Johnny was more influential and popular.
Lawyers said that social media and fan support played a role and also emphasized that, unlike Depp, the actress” was not responsible for anything .” In their opinion, now the Hollywood pet can even refuse a legal penalty in the amount of $ 8 million that Amber must pay him.
Lawyers for the actress immediately after the trial said that Heard could not afford it and yesterday announced plans to appeal.
“For Mr. Depp, it was never about money. It was about restoring his reputation, and he did it. We have to be careful what we say, but it was about Mr. Depp’s reputation, and that was what mattered to him.
Johnny was frank and spoke about his drug problems, admitted scandalous dialogues on his own behalf, and this was in sharp contrast to Ms. Heard, who saw no guilt in herself,” Depp’s lawyers said on the air.
Camilla Vasquez is sure that the actor was able to establish contact with the jury and the public and tell about everything that really happened.
On Tuesday, Heard’s lawyers denounced Depp’s team’s victory. Heard herself say the DEPP’S team didn’t give a damn about women’s rights. However, didn’t on Wednesday, women’s lawyers made it clear how erroneous the Johnnys of his ex-wife were and reminded him that the facts speak for themselves