Roman Polanski Responds To Rape Allegation From Valentine Monnier

According to a report from, Roman Polanski responded to the accusation of rape from Valentine Monnier, who hit the director with the allegations earlier this week. A lawyer acting on behalf of the filmmaker released a statement denying the claims and also stating that he and his client considered filing a lawsuit against the publication.
Published in Le Parisien on Friday, Monnie claims Polanski violently assaulted her sexually while at a ski chalet in Switzerland back in 1975. Her claims won’t be accompanied by any charges because the claims were made more than 20 years ago, which means the statute of limitations has passed.
Issued to Agence-France Presse on Sunday, Polanski and his lawyer, Hervé Témime, claimed the filmmaker is arguing against the accusation of rape and were additionally considering filing a lawsuit against the outlet.
Témime claims Polanski refuses to participate in the trial by media, and Témime doesn’t want to do it that way either. Moreover, his attorney stated her story stems from 45 years ago, and never once was Polanski notified of it, and it wasn’t revealed to a judicial institution either.
However, a letter was sent to a California prosecutor around two years ago, claims Témine, who stated the Le Parisien was the one to send it to the California prosecutor. Furthermore, Témime stated it was nearly impossible to gather all of the necessary evidence to do an investigation properly.
As most know, in 1978, Roman first fled from the United States back to France before he was purportedly being sentenced to having sex with a 13-year-old girl. For years, Roman has been trying to resolve the issue in LA, but it hasn’t worked, and therefore, Polanski has refused to come back to the United States.
Even though Roman continues to find himself at the mercy of allegations, the filmmaker managed to create his latest movie, An Officer and A Spy, made for $21 million which is one of the nation’s most ambitious films in 2019.
With that said, the accusation from Monnier has reportedly affected the movie’s release in France on more than 500 screens. For instance, on Sunday, the Oscar-winning actor, Jean Dujardin, canceled an appearence on Sunday to promote the movie. Thus far, Roman’s movie has been critically hailed.