S.W.A.T. Recap 03/03/21: Season 4 Episode 10 Buried
Tonight on CBS their new show S.W.A.T. inspired by the television series and feature film airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 3, 2021, episode, and we have your S.W.A.T. recap below. On tonight’s S.W.A.T. season 4 episode 10 called “Buried,” as per the CBS synopsis, “As the team helps the LAPD search for the prime suspect in a woman’s disappearance, they’re joined in the field by a new team member; the strain between Chris and Street comes to a head.”
So make sure to stop by tonight between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our S.W.A.T. recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, videos, recaps, spoilers, and more, here!
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In tonight’s episode of S.W.A.T., we see a woman, she is tied up and gagged in the trunk of a car, a man takes her out of the trunk and drags her into a room, he throws her down and takes off her gag, she tells him that he doesn’t need to do this.
Hondo is told that Nora Fowler is there as a tactical emergency medical support, the police commissioner approved her valuation. She is in the experiment, for now, Hondo is worried, they just lost an officer and the wrong addition at the wrong time could hurt them. Hondo introduces himself to Nora, she says she is good to go.
Street walks into a room and Molly is there, she says she will be in and out all day taking care of work things. He says they need to talk, she tells him it is ok, she is not mad. She says she knows he is distancing himself since losing Erika and she understands, she will give him space and put them on pause. He thanks her for understanding.
Deacon and Chris are talking with Nora walk in to change the room, she says everyone calls her Fowler. Fowler goes to take Erika’s empty locker, Chris tells her anyone, but that one. Fowler understands, she knows she is going through a hard time. Fowler and Deacon show each other photos of their family.
Inside an electronics shop, a man rushes in and demands whose number is on a sticky note. The woman behind the counter says she doesn’t know, the man rushes behind the counter with her and shoots the cameras. The S.W.A.T. is ready to go in, Hondo tells Howler to wait outside.
They break in and find the woman, she is alive, her hands and feet are taped with duck tape. She tells them that he didn’t want money, he just wanted to know who a phone number belonged to. The man’s name is Phil Winter, his wife, Jessica Winter went missing five days ago and he is the prime suspect in her disappearance. They have nobody, so no crime. After the stunt Winter pulled at the cell phone store, they can process a warrant for his place.
Tan and Street head to the apartment, they look around, Street sees a computer, he can get in. He finds his ex-wife dating profile, he must have hacked into it.
Chris tells Deacon that She spoke to Hicks, but she was way too emotional and she talked about Erika too much. Next, Street is in front of Hicks when he gets a message from Molly, Street asks if everything is ok, and Hicks asks him why wouldn’t it be.
Tan and Hondo go to speak to Jessica’s sister, it is five days she is missing. They show her a text from someone named Sunshine, she says it is a guy she worked with, his name is Joe and they just flirted with each other, they were just friends. She says Joe’s last name was Falcone, they get his address and head right there.
Molly drops by to see her father, asks him if he saw Chris around. He asks her if she is having issues with Jim. She says he is distant since Erika’s funeral, so she is giving him space. He says as far as he is concerned, nobody is worthy of his daughter. But, she has always had good instincts, so she should trust them. She tells him that she appreciates him trying.
When Tan and Hondo arrive at Facone’s address, Winter is speeding away. They chase after him and bring him in. Winter tells them that she is alive and they are wasting time, Joe Facone took her. He says Jessica called him from a number that morning, that was why he was in the electronics store, he wanted the number traced. He begs them to check his phone, Jess needs help. Meanwhile, Fowler goes to see Hicks and tells her she wants off the squad, this is not what she signed up for. She says she is being left on the sidelines.
He says he hand-picked her, be patient. Winter’s phone is checked, he is telling the truth. They track Facone’s phone and come with two addresses, the one in the city and the desert. We see Jessica with Facone, he tells her to eat and tells her that he is so good to her and doesn’t understand why she doesn’t see that. She starts crying that she wants to go home, he tells her it is too late and to be quiet. Facone sees the S.W.A.T. vehicles coming in, he reaches into a box and grabs his gun.
Hondo tells Fowler to hold back, she tells him that she is trained for hostile situations, but she still holds back. They hear a shot, Facone is out in the desert with Jessica. They set up a blockade to catch Facone. They follow tracks and see where Facone stopped, they check the area for evidence. Deacon is in a helicopter, he is checking from above. On the ground, they find Jessica, Facone dumped her in an old minefield.
Deacon is just above Facone, he is in his car and trying to get away. Hondo is getting strapped and lowered into the mine, Jessica doesn’t appear to be conscious. Hondo checks, she is alive but her breathing is slow, she has multiple abrasions and looks like she was shot in the back. Jessica moves her fingers, she hears Hondo. Fowler goes down into the mine, she tells Hondo that she knows he is in charge, but this is her specialty, he has to listen to her or Jessica is going to die. Hondo lets her do what she has to. All of a sudden, Jessica is breathing on her own and she opened her eyes.
Deacon has his eye on Facone, he shoots and the car stops. Facone gets out and puts his hands up. The helicopter arrives, Jessica is airlifted to the hospital, she is going to survive.
Chris wins the TLI competition, Hicks tells her that the LAPD would be honored if she would represent the department overseas as their leadership liason. Chris says yes, it’s all about the journey.
Chris speaks to Street, she asks him if he is with Molly or not. She tells him that she is too good of a person for him to
lose, and about them, she doesn’t want to listen to that pipe dream anymore.
Jim is home, Molly is there. She says maybe they both can have a drink and talk. He says the drink is not a good idea but should talk, he has something to say. She asks him if he is breaking up with her. She asks why, he says he doesn’t love her the way she deserves to be loved, he is sorry. She leaves.