
Shamrock Wand Craft for St. Patricks Day

Shamrock Wand Craft

The below craft incorporates the St. Patrick’s Day symbol of the shamrock, as well as the color green. Visit our pages on shamrocks and the color green to learn more about the symbolism and meaning of shamrocks and the color green for St. Patrick’s Day.

This craft makes for great entertainment among kids!

Shamrock WandSupplies:

Green Construction Paper

Green and Gold Stickers

Green and Gold Ribbon

1 Wooden Stick (or Dowel)

Glue Gun


1. Cut three heart shapes out of the green construction paper. Seal the points with glue to form a shamrock. Decorate with stickers.

2. Cut ribbon into three strips and glue the center onto the back of the shamrock.

3. Glue the dowel to the shamrock and allow to dry.

Back to main St. Patrick’s Day Crafts page.

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Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-06-12