Shedding light on Bill Russell's personal life
Bill Russell is one of the greatest players in the history of the NBA, and his recent passing at 88 is cause for mourning. Russell's tragic passing has made people celebrate and reflect on his life.
While the Boston Celtics legend had a Hall of Fame NBA career, his life was full of memorable moments. During his eighty-eight years on planet Earth, Russell lived a life that many people could only dream of living.
One area where Russell's life was complicated was his romantic life, which often led to personal turmoil. Each of Russell's marriages would shape different eras of his life.

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Over his eighty-eight years, Russell would get married four times with four different women. While his romantic history is not on the level of a Wilt Chamberlain, his number of marriages was more than that of most people.
Russell's marriages were noteworthy for fans of the two-time Hall of Famer. With each one being unique, it is worth briefly discussing them.
Bill Russell's first wife: Rose Swisher Russell
Rose Swisher Russell was the Boston Celtics legend's first wife, and the two were married throughout his NBA career. Their marriage would also be Russell's longest marriage, lasting from 1956 to 1973.
Despite the length of their marriage, things would eventually fall apart between the Hall of Famer and Rose Swisher. They divorced in 1973, with Russell paying Swisher to care for herself and their children.
Bill Russell's second wife: Dorothy Anstett Russell
After his divorce from Rose Swisher, Russell focused on his coaching career with the Seattle Supersonics. A few years after his divorce, Russell would remarry. This time he married Miss USA winner Dorothy Anstett.
Their marriage would be Russell's shortest; the couple divorced after just three years. After his second divorce in seven years, Russell took some time to live an unmarried life.
Bill Russell's third wife: Marylin Nault Russell
Russell's third marriage was to jewelry salesperson Marylin Nault, but their marriage would end in tragedy. Marylin Nault Russell passed away from cancer after almost nine years together.
While the NBA has had controversies about its treatment of players, the league tried to do right by Russell at that moment. After his third wife's tragic passing, Russell would contribute to fighting and curing cancer.
Bill Russell's fourth wife: Jeannine Fiorito Russell
Russell would marry one last time before his death. His fourth and final marriage was to former professional golfer Jeannine Fiorito. Jeannine Russell was at the Boston Celtics legend's side when he passed away.
Before his passing, Russell was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame for the second time. During his acceptance speech, he thanked his wife along with other crucial figures in his life.
We here at Sportskeeda send our condolences to the family and friends of Bill Russell. May they be comforted during this difficult time. May Russell rest in peace.
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