
T.I.s Daughter, Deyjah Harris Shares A Deep Message For Fans Read The Emotional Words Here

T.I.’s daughter impressed her fans on social media with a really deep message and a wonderful photo to go with it. Check it out below and do your best to find balance and tranquility in your life!

‘you haven’t seen everything you were meant to see. there are people that you haven’t come across. there are countries you haven’t made your way to just yet. there are opportunities and connections that are waiting to be discovered by you. you WILL get to explore the world and its treasures it has to offer, don’t stress yourself out about it. just live for right now and focus on taking the time to explore what it is that your soul desires or needs in order to be at peace,’ Deyjah captioned her post.

Someone said: ‘I needed to hear this, sweet girl…thank you.’

A follower dropped this message: ‘Lol and why was this the exact thing that I needed to hear? #BabygurlIsReachingOutToMySoulInDivineTiming,’ and one fan said: ‘This looks so amazing! Enjoy! Blessings!’

Someone else posted this: ‘The motivation I’ve been needing lately 🥺 thank you 🙏🏽’ and a follower wrote: ‘Definitely The daughter of a great King🤎🖤😘Very insightful Beautiful Black Princess.’

A commenter said: ‘Oh Lord I needed that yes Jesus placed that in you to put that out there. Thank you baby I’m never too old to take a piece of good advice thank you love.’

A commenter posted this message: ‘I Needed This, Thank You Deyjah❤️ There is so much death and sickness happening around me & Ive been living in fear because of it. Thank you for this positivity😢🥰 @princess_of_da_south.’

Someone else said: ‘I love the fact that your independent and your a leader not a follower.’


Not too long ago, T.I.’s daughter, Deyjah Harris dropped some more words of wisdom on her social media account and her fans completely appreciated what she had to say.


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-06-28