Top 5 Minecraft MMO Servers for Java Edition
Minecraft MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) servers, sometimes called MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) servers, vary in specific gameplay elements. Typically, all comprise a large online fantasy world for players to immerse themselves in.
MMO servers generally encourage players to interact purposefully with both NPC characters and other players around them, often via sets of in-depth quests and similar activities.
The best MMO servers listed below feature greatly detailed, lore-packed worlds for players to enjoy simultaneously with hundreds, if not thousands, of other players.
Note: These servers are in no particular order of quality, all are great to play.
Five best Minecraft MMORPG servers
#5 - Purple Prison
In Purple Prison, players find themselves trapped within a magical but grueling prison world filled with NPC’s and other players always itching to make a quick buck.
Gamers start as a “new inmate”, which is the lowest rank. The goal of the server is to generate enough money to progress through various prison ranks, eventually escaping into a free world.
Purple Prison has been online since 2014 and still has thousands of players connecting every day in 2021. This is a testament to the simply thrilling gameplay experience thanks to years of consistent updates. Any player looking for a quality, well-made server should definitely give Purple Prison a shot.
#4 - Minescape
Many players will be familiar with Runescape as one of the most popular MMORPG games to ever exist, almost defining the genre altogether.
Fans of both Minecraft and Runescape will be interested in the idea behind Minescape. It is a server that attempts to bring the classic game of Runescape directly to the blocky world of Minecraft.
Impressively, no mods are needed to join Minescape. All custom items and Runescape-based features are instead implemented through an expansive custom texture pack, which can automatically be installed upon connecting to the server.
#3 - Block Empires
Block Empires is a kingdom-based Minecraft MMO server in which players are given the aim to build, develop, and protect their own kingdom of the land.
Inside this highly detailed medieval fantasy server, players strive to level up their kingdom while being encouraged to raid and pillage competing kingdoms controlled by other players.
Block Empires also includes a variety of character skill paths and custom abilities, adding a completely new dimension of gameplay and combat mechanics onto vanilla Minecraft.
#2 - NatureCraft
NatureCraft has created a 1:1000 scale copy of the earth, based on real satellite data used to import real-world terrain automatically into a Minecraft map.
In terms of gameplay features, NatureCraft has leveraged this expansive real-life earth map to offer players a MMORPG towny experience like no other.
The server offers dozens of custom features, touting several classic MMO-inspired gameplay extensions such as witchcraft, quests, raid dungeons, boss fighting, and collectable pets.
Also read: The best Minecraft survival servers for 2021
#1 - Wynncraft
Wynncraft has been described by the Minecraft community as one of the most prominent MMORPG servers in recent times, boasting thousands of concurrent players at peak times.
There are several things that make Wynncraft special, one of which includes the myriad in-depth quests available for players to complete. More specifically, there are over 100 quests, each of which have decisions to be made that contribute to the player’s overarching storyline.
Other features offered by Wynncraft that may interest potential players include: magic spells, boss dungeons, custom mobs, market shops, 2000+ new items, character leveling paths, and four unique provinces.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the writer's opinion only.
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