What Happened To Hugh Hefner's Secretary, Mary?

O'Connor came from an adventurous Irish and German family. According to Irish Central, O'Connor's grandmother emigrated from Ireland in the 1800s. The family settled in Pittsburgh but soon enough, O'Connor's mother, a traveling musician, relocated to Berlin where she would meet Mary's father. The lovebirds headed back to the United States and decided to live in Chicago, where Mary was raised with the last name Feuchtinger. (She would take her well-known last name from her fourth husband.)
At age 18, O'Connor met her first husband who was 11 years older. According to Irish Central, Mary was married a total of four times before meeting her "soulmate," a gent who simply went by the name "Captain Bob."
Through her second husband, O'Connor got into the speed racing business as a road race promoter and competitor.
She was on the board of advisors at a hospitality magazine at the time and a fellow advisor encouraged her to apply for a position with Playboy. She immediately moved to Chicago in 1969 and relocated with Hef and his women to a bigger, roomier abode in sunny Southern California. O'Connor worked traditional 9 to 5 hours and many weekends.