What happened to the Corgi from Hammy and Olivia? Beloved pet's owner shares heartbreaking news
Olivia, one half of the beloved pet corgi duo Hammy and Olivia, has died at the age of 8. The unfortunate news was confirmed by her owner, Chris, in a TikTok video shared on @hammyandoliva on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, who broke down into tears as he explained she passed away peacefully after a medical emergency.
The pet duo became an internet sensation back in 2020 after their parents, Chris and Sarah, shared videos of them dressing up in adorable costumes and engaging in hilarious conversations with one another. Their adorable antics earned them a dedicated following, and the account Hammy and Olivia Corgi on TikTok currently boasts over 6.4 million followers and 121 million likes.
Informing her fans of the recent health emergency, an inconsolable Chris explained that both he and Sarah made the tough call to put her down. He stated:
"We had to say goodbye to Olivia last night... There was an emergency and she couldn't empty her kidneys... We just didn't want her to suffer..."He added that she passed away in peace and was in no pain. Chris concluded his message by remarking she was his best friend and urged every pet parent to go hug their furry children.
"May she rest in doggy heaven": Internet users grieve the death of corgi from Hammy and Olivia
The clip went viral with over seven million views and 78,000 comments. Fans of Hammy and Olivia expressed their condolences to Chris and his fiance Sarah. Here are some comments and tributes seen under Chris's TikTok update:
More about Hammy and Olivia
The Corgi duo lives with their parents, Chris and Sarah, in Las Vegas. The couple adopted Olivia five years ago and Hammy, a.k.a. Hamilton, two years later. They started their TikTok channel during the pandemic lockdown to help with boredom and dismay.
Since then, Hammy and Olivia have appeared in hundreds of videos, performing skits dressed in adorable costumes inspired by movies. During Halloween, both Sarah and Chris along with their two cats and corgis dressed up as characters from the Flintstones.
Chris has not elaborated on Olivia's death further.
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