
What is Austin McBroom's wife, Catherine Paiz's ethnicity?

Austin McBroom's wife, Catherine Paiz, is of Panamanian ethnicity. However, the fitness model herself was born in Montreal, Canada, on August 24,1990.

Born Dolores Catherine Johnston Paiz, Paiz grew up with parents who lived separately. While she initially lived with her father, she later moved to stay with her mother in Tampa, Florida.

Paiz's mom was a salon stylist and had her own business, which helped her raise Catherine along with her three younger siblings.

Her mom is also a Roman Catholic and still holds Panamanian citizenship.

Catherine Paiz received a lot of support from her mother during her early education which included a one-hour drive to school everyday.

After successfully graduating from school, Paiz went on to complete a diploma from St. Louis College.

At the tender age of 16, Paiz moved to Los Angeles in search of modeling avenues and opportunities and according to her own account, the 30-year-old has been working ever since.

Due to her rich lingual background, Canadian origin, and Panamanian ethnicity, Paiz is capable of fluently speaking Spanish, English and French.

When Catherine Paiz met Austin McBroom

It was love at first sight for ACE Family man Austin McBroom when he met Catherine Paiz for the first time at a dinner party in 2015.

Joking about the experience, McBroom told Power 106 Los Angeles-

"We met at a little like party dinner thing. Got there, shook her hand, and she was thinking about me ever since."

Though McBroom claims that Catherine Paiz was smitten in the very first meeting, her own account of the encounter slightly varies.

As things started to get serious for McBroom, Paiz wasn't ready to rush into anything. Although their first meeting ended without a goodnight hug or kiss, they continued to meet each other.

However, it was a little too soon for Paiz when McBroom finally confessed his love for her. Paiz, who was still adjusting to their new relationship, told Power 106 Los Angeles-

"I wasn't used to that to be honest. I just wasn't used to like, things happening so quick, and things being so real so quick."

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Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-06-26