When did Bray Wyatt 'The Fiend' face off with Roman Reigns in WWE?
Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns are no strangers inside the WWE ring. Surprisingly, The Tribal Chief only faced The Fiend once. However, this one match completely changed the trajectory of Reigns' career.
A lot of people were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, including WWE Superstars themselves. Before WrestleMania 36, Reigns was pulled from his WWE Universal Championship match against Goldberg due to concerns about the virus. He was replaced by Braun Strowman, who won the title during the event.
At SummerSlam 2020, The Fiend and Strowman were scheduled for a title match. Although Bray Wyatt came out as the victor, the returning Reigns attacked the new champion.
Roman Reigns and The Fiend finally faced each other in a No Holds Barred triple-threat match against Braun at that year's Payback event. At the end of the exciting match, The Tribal Chief came out as Universal Champion after pinning Strowman. Up to this day, The Head of the Table still has the title.
Bray aligned himself with Alexa Bliss not long after and feuded with Randy Orton. On the other hand, Roman formed an alliance with The Wise Man, Paul Heyman. Wyatt was released in July 2021 but recently made his return to the company at Extreme Rules.
Bray Wyatt believes he wasn't defeated by Roman Reigns
The Fiend was not seen in any wrestling events after his release from WWE. Still, he made sure to get involved with the product every once in a while.
In February 2022, Louis Dangoor shared a Twitter post that showed every Universal Champion Roman defeated. Some of the superstars on the list included were Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Brock Lesnar, and also Bray.
Given that the current Universal Champion pinned The Monster Among Men during their triple threat match and not Wyatt, the latter demanded for his name to be removed from the list. Check out his tweet here.
Now that Bray Wyatt is on his way to SmackDown, it will be interesting to see if the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion is one of his targets. With Strowman on the blue brand as well, a reunion could even be possible.
Do you think The Fiend will clash with The Tribal Chief on the blue brand? Comment your thoughts in the comment section below!
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