
Who was Shanod Johnson? Tributes pour in as Atlanta club promoter reportedly passes away in a car ac

Shanod Johnson has reportedly died in an accident, according to his friends and family. His friends issued a statement where they mentioned that he passed away on October 16.

However, his family has not yet written his formal obituary. Detailed information about his reported death is also not available for now.

A few sources have mentioned that he met with an accident, but the circumstances leading to it have not been explained.

The public paid tribute on Twitter as soon as the news broke.

Soleil L. Hamlette has confirmed Shanod Johnson’s death on the official Southwest DeKalb High School Alumni. An official confirmation from the club promoter's family is still awaited and nothing can be said for sure. Sources say that he had a lot of friends whom he used to help a lot.

About Shanod Johnson in brief

Johnson, a club owner and CEO of HNIC Entertainment, also owned the OJS Bar. He had a great influence on the youth of today’s generation and inspired them to run their businesses.

He graduated from Southwest DeKalb High School and DeKalb Technical College. He mentioned his hometown as Jacksonville, Georgia despite being a resident of Atlanta.

Shanod Johnson never revealed a lot of details about his personal life. However, he frequently shared pictures of his wife on Instagram. He also shared pictures of his son on Facebook.

Shanod Johnson with his friends (Image via ogshanodjohnson/Instagram)

He was active on Instagram under the handle @ogshanodjohnson and had around 10,800 followers alongside 1809 posts. He usually posted pictures of his business and work.

Johnson’s official date of birth and current age remain unknown, but he could be around 40 to 50 years old. His name was included among the top 10 influencers in Georgia.

Shanod had around 27,000 followers in Klear, which made him the 7th most influencial person in Georgia.

His exact net worth is unknown, but Shanod has undoubtedly earned millions. The major reason for that is because he is a club promoter.

More details related to his life will be revealed after his family issues an official statement.

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Billy Koelling

Update: 2024-06-20